Apparently Wireless@SG login pages are my “Top Sites”

Well done to Wireless@SG for successfully messing up my Safari Top Sites:

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The new Wireless@SGx (dubbed “SSA”, which stands for “Seamless and Secure Access”, or “Senseless and Stupid Acronym”) 802.1X-enabled hotspot service is nice though, and really does help to solve this problem – after you set it up, you don’t have to go through the above login page. Thoroughly recommended for iPhone users especially. Search for one of the three mysteriously-differently-branded-but-functionally-identical Wireless@SG on the App Store and follow the instructions to download and configure the necessary security certificates.

Useless book suggestions

My friend Andrew asked on Facebook:

Anyone keen on writing a “The Student’s Guide to…” book? Let me know.

So, who had useless suggestions for Andrew? ME ME ME OOH YES CHOOSE ME PLEASE! The Students’ Guide to:

  • Creating senseless online comics in under 2 hours a week (bonus: How not to feel guilty about neglecting the site for weeks at a go!)
  • Making actually-light-hearted-but-which-may-come-across-as-sarcastic Facebook comments (sorry)
  • Making PDF selling websites that you don’t have time to develop further and which don’t net your only client any sales. At all. (Sorry)
  • Apologising through Facebook comments
  • Making lists
  • Extending lists
  • Overdoing a joke

I’m actually really happy for Andrew and his two wonderful books on “The Student’s Guide to Life” and “The Student’s Guide to Exam Success” (buyable from Aktive Learning or the aforementioned neglected PDF-selling website experiment). Back in 2008, he’d given me copies to give away to my graduating form class, which covered for my thorough lack of imagination in graduation gifts. I’m happy to see it’s doing well on the Popular Bookstore charts.

Recently, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Andrew is publishing “Diary of a Taxi Driver” by Dr. Cai Mingjie, Singapore’s most educated taxi driver and blogger. Good stuff. I hope Dr. Cai’s writing finds the audience it deserves – his poignant memoirs are always among the first articles I consume from my Instapaper reading list.