A tribute to the Apple icon, Clarus the Dogcow. See her wikipedia entry.
Previous: Chicken vs Speak Good English
A tribute to the Apple icon, Clarus the Dogcow. See her wikipedia entry.
Previous: Chicken vs Speak Good English
The original ad on SBS buses:
from the Speak Good English Movement. Who can resist making fun of education initiatives?
Previous: Chicken vs Cat
This is a pretty old article, but terribly amusing nonetheless: Clawless kitty chases bear up tree.
Who needs a guard dog when Jack the elderly suburban housecat is on duty?
The 10-year-old New Jersey tabby defended his neighbourhood turf earlier this week by chasing a wandering black bear up a tree — twice.
Previous: Metalchicken vs Monsoon
Rust == no more Metalchicken. Who knew it was this easy to run out of metallic chicken gags?
Related: Regular Chicken vs Monsoon
Previous: Chicken vs Chick Magnet
The idea for this one was courtesy of Je. Thanks dear!
Previous: Metalchicken vs Electromagnet
Now that would’ve been a respectable Last Stand.
I’ve been a bit busy designing other stuff (like the redesigned main stupidchicken page and things that actually make money), even though I have quite a few Chicken comic concepts lying around. Meanwhile…
YES: USB Teddy-bear (via Engadget)
NOOOOO: The end of an era (via one N. Phelps)
You know it’s powerful because of the wavy power lines. OoOOooh, wavy power lines.
Previous: The Origin of Metalchicken, Part 2
Info: What’s with all the chicken comics?
Tags: chickens, comics, electromagnets