Sketches This Week

Maybe I should archive my (more presentable) sketches instead of throwing them away…

Anyway, yesterday I was at the SAF Wargaming Centre to play the world’s most boring Real-Time Strategy game. This was mainly because it took “Real-Time” to new levels of realism; the bloody icons took an hour to move a few pixels. Aaargh! Mind-numbing boredom!

Thank goodness for the sketchbook (and a two-hour canteen break with TTK, coincidentally in the opposing force). However, only one sketch interested me enough to keep it, other than sketches for the community service logo I’m designing (ML, do you know how embarrassing it is to draw hearts all over my sketchbook for ideas?! In public, among Army people?! Stupid design requirements).


Various (very rough) concept sketches for a possible comic strip, done in a half-working pen because my boss stole my good one. Hmph.

One thought on “Sketches This Week

  1. haha, do you get pple asking if you’re the “sensitive type”? but really, pffffft to gender stereotypes, a macho guy shld be able to draw hearts all day if he wants to. pretty pink hearts at that. or play with barbie dolls. or skip around in a meadow singing “sound of music”. that i would be somewhat troubled if you actually did some of the above is merely proof that gender stereotyping has SCARRED us for life! vive la gender revolution!

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